BY-LAWS of Chiao Tung University Alumni Association in America


The name of this association is called the Chiao Tung University Alumni Association in America (hereinafter referred to as CTUAAA). 交通大學美洲校友會
The main objectives of CTUAAA are as follows:
To develop the unity of spirit among the alumni,
To initiate Chapters of CTUAAA at different locations,
To coordinate the activities common to all Chapters,
To help all Chapters to carry out their objectives,
To promote further advancement of Chiao Tung (or Jiao Tung) Universities, and
To authorize and coordinate alumni reunions,

CTUAAA is a federation of many Chapters throughout America which have the same objectives.
Each Chapter shall have thirty (30) or more members.
Each Chapter can consist of Branches.
The members of all Chapters shall be the members of CTUAAA.

Board of Directors is the governing and policy making body of CTUAAA.
The Board consists of all Directors elected unanimously by Officers f each Chapter in the following manner:
One (1) Director for a Chapter with 30 to 149 members, and
Two (2) directors for a Chapter having 150 or more members.
The term of each Director shall be live (5) years and may be re-elected once for not exceeding a total of ten (10) consecutive years.

By unanimous vote of Officers of a Chapter, the Director representing the Chapter shall be replaced with no cause, based on a written minutes signed by all Officers. The new Director shall serve a term of five (5) years.
The boards shall have a Chairperson and a Vice-chairperson to be elected by the board members mutually every five years or at the vacant of the Chairperson or the Vice-chairperson.

The office of the Board is to be located where the Chairperson is.

The Chairperson shall appoint a Secretary who may or may I lot be a board member.

The Board shall hold at least one meeting each calendar year at the place, time or in a form at the discretion of the chairperson. At the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-chairperson shall have the same power as the Chairperson.

The Board with an affirmative vote of more than two-thirds of the Directors, an officer of a Chapter shalt be removed with no cause, based on a written minutes of the Board. A new Officer will be elected by the remaining Officers of the Chapter to serve the remaining term of the removed Officer.
The Board with a two-thirds majority vote shall set up ad hoc task forces as need arises.
The Board shall agree on these By-laws as attached herewith for each Chapter to follow. However, each Chapter can choose some options to suit different situations or needs. These By-laws shall be distributed to the President of each Chapter.

The Board shall decide, whether a Directory including all chapter members to be distributed at a Reunion, at least one year prior to the Reunion.


Persons, who can attend a Reunion of CTUAAA, shall consist of members and their family members; students, graduates, professors, officers and advisers of Chiao Tung (or Jiao Tung) Universities; and special
The Board shall decide the general location, approximate month and year of a Reunion. The Board shall also establish a guideline on guests to be invited. The frequency shall be aimed to have a Reunion about every five (5) Years.

The Board shall elect a President and Vice-president of the Reunion at least 18 months prior to the starting date of the Reunion. The Board at a two-thirds majority vote can replace the President or the Vice-president with no cause at any time.

The President of a Reunion shall prepare a budget of all expenses and expected incomes from participating persons, The guest list shall be included in the budget. The budget shall be approved by the Chairperson of the Board at least six (6) months prior to the Reunion. The President has the responsibility to keep expenses within the budget. The Chairperson of the Board has the responsibility to raise the deficit, if any, of the Reunion based on the approved budget.

The President shall have the full power to form an organization to carry out the necessary programs of the Reunion. At the absence of the President, the Vice-president shall have the same power as the President.
Within six (6) months after the Reunion, the President shall issue a financial report, approved by the Chairperson of the Board, including all necessary documents of expenditures and incomes. This report and its attachments shalt be kept by the Chairperson of the Board and passed onto the next two Chairpersons.
Every member of CTUAAA shall have the privilege to examine the report of a Reunion at a place and time as determined by the Chairperson of the Board,


The function of the Membership Committee Is to keep up-to-date information on the members and help each Chapter to recruit new members.

The Membership Committee shall consist of one (1) Chairperson, appointed by the Chairperson of the Board, and the membership chairpersons of all Chapters.
The Chairperson of the Membership Committee shall prepare a budget for the preparation, printing anddistribution of a Directory which will be distributed to all members and the Universities. This budget shall be approved by the Chairperson of the Board at least sir (6) months prior to the Reunion. The Chairperson of this Committee has the responsibility to keep the expenses within the budget and to distribute the Directory within six (6) months after the Reunion.
The Chairperson of the Board has the responsibility to raise the money needed for the issuance of a Directory.

The Foundation or CTUAFA, Inc. is duly registered as a tax-exempt non-profit organization in the United States of America,
The By-laws of CTUAFA, Inc. as attached herewith shall govern the function of this organization.


Each director’s out-of-pocket expenses shall not be reimbursed by CTUAAA.
For special expenses of large amount, including the Directory and” the Reunion, donation shall be solicited
through CTUAFA, Inc.


These By-laws may be amended, repeated or added to by an affirmative vote of more than two-thirds of the Board of Directors of CTUAAA voting in person or by proxy at the meeting of the Board of Directors.

Attachments: 1. By-laws of New York Chapter of CTUAAA 2_ Bylaws of CTUAFA, Inc.

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